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Entrepreneurship Programme in South Africa                        

A representative of Germany’s Leuphana University spoke at the national Student Entrepreneurship Week 2022 about its entrepreneurship programme in South Africa.                                                                         

Imparting Entrepreneurship Skills                                                     

A team of researchers shared the results of providing entrepreneurship training to secondary school children following a successful implementation period.                                                             

Gründen in Afrika: Unternehmergeist kann man lernen

Unternehmertum ist keine Frage der Gene, sondern der Einstellung und des richtigen Trainings, glauben die Mitarbeiter des Projektes “STEP”. In Afrika helfen sie jungen Menschen beim Aufbau neuer Start-Ups.

Unternehmen gründen                                                                                       

Im Rahmen des Afrika-Partnerschaftsprogramms unterstützt die Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission seit 2009 die Förderung junger Menschen in afrikanischen Ländern, um die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit zu reduzieren und Zukunftsperspektiven zu schaffen.

STEP an Schulen im ADEPT-Programm                                                          

ADEPT implementiert STEP an mehreren Secondary Schools und Colleges in Uganda in enger Zusammenarbeit mit ugandischen Master-Trainern zwischen 2020 und 2025.                                                                                                                   

Deutsch-mexikanische Kooperation zur Ausbildung von Unternehmern

Am 10. August 2016 fiel in Mexiko-Stadt der Startschuss für eine neue Kooperation der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission. STEP wird an zwei Hochschulen in Mexiko durchgeführt.

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Publications & Studies

Bohlayer, C., & Gielnik, M. M. (2022). (S)training experiences: Toward understanding decreases in entrepreneurial self-efficacy during action-oriented entrepreneurship training. Journal of Business Venturing, 38(1), 106259.                                     

Bischoff, K. M., Gielnik, M. M., & Frese, M. (2020). When capital does not matter: How entrepreneurship training buffers the negative effect of capital constraints on business creation. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(3), 369-395.

Lex, M., Gielnik, M. M., Spitzmuller, M., Jacob, G. H., & Frese, M. (2020). How passion in entrepreneurship develops over time: A self-regulation perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 46(4), 985-1018.                                                                 

Gielnik, M. M., Bledow, R., & Stark, M. S. (2020). A dynamic account of self-efficacy in entrepreneurship. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(5), 487-505.                                                                               

Funken, R., Gielnik, M. M., & Foo, M.-D. (2020). How can problems be turned into something good? The role of entrepreneurial learning and error mastery orientation. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 44(2), 315-338.

Gielnik, M. M., Uy, M. A., Funken, R., & Bischoff, K. M. (2017). Boosting and sustaining passion: A long-term perspective on the effects of entrepreneurship training. Journal of Business Venturing, 32(3), 334-353.

Gielnik, M. M., Frese, M., Bischoff, K. M., Muhangi, G., & Omoo, F. (2016). Positive impact of entrepreneurship training on entrepreneurial behavior in a vocational training setting. Africa Journal of Management, 2(3), 330-348.

Frese, M., Gielnik, M. M., & Mensmann, M. (2016). Psychological training for entrepreneurs to take action: Contributing to poverty reduction in developing countries. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25(3), 196-202.

Gielnik, M. M., Frese, M., et al. (2015). Action and action-regulation in entrepreneurship: Evaluating a student training for promoting entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 14(1), 69-94.